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  • Dj blinky shades Teni that shes a one hit maker
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    Popunlar Disk Jockey, Dj Blinky in a recent interview shared his views about the Nigerian Entertainment Industry. A lot of questions were asked but one that caught our attention was his views on fast rising Music act “Teni” when he said the songstress is a “one hit maker”. The reply followed when he was asked about the upcoming acts of 2018. Following the soundcity MVP nominees list he shared his views on the following acts Peruzzi, Johnny Drille, Teni and all others in that category. He said for Teni that she’s not as consistent as compared to the others in his own words he said “Teni is one hit maker. She’s always on a 40/50% of getting a hit”. He said taking a cue from her last years break into the industry she came in with an amazing voice and songwriting capabilities but from all the songs released the only hit she got was Askamanya. And after that it was a really long while till another hit came from the songstress which was Case. Dj Blinky said to watch out for 2019 and stated that it would take a while before we get another hit from the songstress. Following the recent trends some may think that the views of Dj Blinky are incorrect because of the popularity of Teni. But we would love to get your opinions on the topic in the comment section below

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