I am already looking for bbqs to go Zanku to several tracks from the album. What better time to drop this gem than a time when the world is just recovering from the siege of COVID 19. What a way to welcome us back to the world we used to know. King of love is a collection of 17 songs that could easily have been released as individual singles. Any song off this album would have done well as a single with or without a corresponding visual.
Back to the beginning when Kizz came into the scene, he was misconstrued as another one hit wonder. The reason is not far fetched, a boy that young dropping those classic tunes, you would wonder how long he can hold on for. Fortunately for lovers but unfortunately for his haters, this young boy who is now a man doesn't seem to be stopping anytime soon.
After his separation from his record label, Boy Kizz looked like he was sitting on a 3-legged chair, this boy cannot be bothered. He dropped an album titled 'No bad songs' What an effrontery! That album lived to its name and expectation as there was indeed no bad song on that album.
Again, I will bring back what I wrote about that album review at the time it dropped. 'Kizz Daniel No bad song album will live after him and will only be understood after such a long time. Exact same thing i will say about the King of Love album.
The pride, the courage, the confidence to go 17 songs without a collaboration. Not his first time, but you will think this boy will change his ways. Hell NO! Boy is waxing stronger, sticking to the exact same route that got him this far.
King of love album inspires hard work, consistency, tenacity, perseverance and some Loyalty. The production credit and crew shows some loyalty. Kizz has stuck with Coublon and Young Jonn, 2 producers who make it a point of duty to deliver ONLY HIT songs. Kizz understands the chemistry he has with the likes of Coublon, Young Jonn and Krizbeats and he sure doesn't seem like he is letting go anytime soon.
The emergence of Philkeys, Ty Mixx, Selebobo, Teflon Zino, Lussh, Fancy, Major bangz on the album only tells you this boy knows exactly what he wants and how to go about it. Shout out to Major Bangz for Blessing Lil Kesh and I with Shoki many years ago, I still feel the boy did not get deserved credit on that project. Love you always Major Bangz. Here is a personal angle for me, Sugar boy on the production crew. OH MY DAYS! If only the world knew the talent of the Boy named Sugar. Having them work together again gladdens my heart so much because i have a personal understanding of the Kizz Daniel/Sugar Boy chemistry. I felt it all through the album. One day I hope Sugar boy gets the credits he deserves for all the hard work he has always put in.
That being said, let us peruse this beauty track after track.
This was previously released as a single and the song went bonkers straight after release. Somewhere between inspirational and gospel. Somewhere between being appreciative and wanting more. No better song would have done justice as a track one. This is how I would expect to start an album this good. Produced by Coublon who I think understands Kizz the most when it comes to music production. The sound engineering of this track is stupendous. You should listen to this on the best available speakers.
When two uniquely talented producers combine to produce one song, you cannot expect less. Especially when it is Coublon and Young Jonn. Damn! I was a little fearful listening to it because I don't want any addictions. Young Jonn does that to me everytime. My brother till the end of time.
From the get go, you can tell this is one song that might just end up being on Repeat for quite a while. Any Ada in the world should be proud of this one. I just might christen my first daughter Ada among other names.
If i was a woman, i would love this one particularly because we all know Boys are bad and i am not even an exception even though i might not look it. Philkeyz and Coublon went in on this one. Kizz understands the concept of less is more. Exactly what he did on this song like he did on a few others. The beat is solid already, just find the right progression and enjoy yourself even while you make music. On this track that was Kizz daniel's concept.
I would have shed a tear if Kizz did not give me the Igbo vibe. This is a eastern Nigerian vibe of music. Very mellow and shake boy kind of music. Krizbeats did justice to this one. If you find me at the bus stop with my big headphones doing a lowkey boogie down, has to be this song playing. This might just be the song i get to play when making my first tiktok video, my eventual girl better know how to boogie down.
Love songs from bad boys always sound different. Confident!!! Oh my baby, look into my eyes, no one can take your place aii. Means i might be far away, busy, zoned out, but be sure no one can take your place. O ti ye e!!! Mellow! Another Krizbeats production.
PAK 'n' GO
This is another song that dropped independently prior to album release. It set the tone for what to expect on the album. When i heard this i knew Kizz wasn't going to take it easy with all of us. I like the song and the idea behind it, some comic relief. COUBLON!!!
When I first listened to this one, I liked it but not as much as I do now after a friend posted it on her snapchat. Unconsciously, I went back to it and I even loved it more. Sometimes even the bad boy needs a bad girl. Almighty Major bangz and Veteran TY Mixx went in on this one. One day I pray the world embraces the craft and talent of one of the best music producers in Africa. Major Bangs if you don't know produced the monster hit Shoki by Lil kesh a few years back (That song changed our lives forever). Judging by the production credit, you know what to expect.
Out of respect for the boy Kizz, this is his story i will let him tell it. Produced by One sound.
When Selebobo is the producer, you MUST DANCE. From this point onwards the tempo of the album starts to climb. You need to see me Leg work to this tune. Kizz came through on this too but i will give much credit to Sele for this one. Boris Johnson knows better than to keep me locked in after the release of this song.
This is the old yoruba man vibe. Serious boogie down for classic yoruba men. Yoruba demons will have a field day with this one. One song for dem lowkey men who just want to have a nice time over a few bottles of henny. Thank you Case beatz for this one.
FVCK YOU! Produced by Young Jonn
Another Krizbeats production. Honestly this is the only song that did not match up with others. That being said, it still does not score below a 7 of 10. Just like every other word in this review, it is MY OPINION.
Please make sure nobody plays this song for my mum. I am sure I will be the first person she sends it to. First time I listened to a song by ATG Music. Now I find myself asking around who this amazing producer is. The sequence of the drums got me. KWA you have to find a bae. Laughs sarcastically.
Runtinx!!!! Sometimes you want to leave people to make their own decision. This is one of those times.
Honestly, it took me less than 30 minutes to get to this point of the review, but on this track, I had to take a break repeating the song for a minimum of 11 times before I got back. This is the HIT SONG of the album. At first listen, this one track stuck immediately. I think no matter how much Teflon Zino was paid, he has a right to ask for some more. I personally hope i don't get someone's daughter pregnant to this one especially if she has the waist and bum Kizz described here.
Another inspirational and somewhat thankful song to God. A mellow prayer song for the mamas and papas. Send this to Mum and Dad. They will appreciate it.
What a way to sign out. I LOVE THIS! I am still shaking my head, you should too.
Listen to this album, wash your hands still and stay consciously happy!
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