Life needs to be like a roller-coaster ride with ups and
downs. Otherwise, it cannot really be interesting and not worth living. "See this life e b like rolling circle
"Believe me, my journey has not been a simple journey of progress,
have been many ups and downs, and it is the choices that I made at each
of those times that have shaped me to what I am today. Nothing in the
world is worth having or worth doing unless it means effort, pain or
sort of difficult.
Great ideas come from difficult places
Our struggles make us the personality we can be proud of.
You can’t change something you don’t acknowledge. So, instead of resisting or fighting where you are or who you are, come to peace with yourself, say yes to every part of your life, stop comparing yourself to other people and from that place, make decisions that will move you in the right direction".
Great ideas come from difficult places
Our struggles make us the personality we can be proud of.
You can’t change something you don’t acknowledge. So, instead of resisting or fighting where you are or who you are, come to peace with yourself, say yes to every part of your life, stop comparing yourself to other people and from that place, make decisions that will move you in the right direction".
This song says it all, "Aiye O Le" by. Chinkzy aka (T. W. T) is one jam you shouldn't miss. Produced by Kentee, Mixed
and Mastered by Wizardmix..
Enjoy the the Jam "Aiye O Le".
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