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  • DJ PlentySongz – Best Of Adekunle Gold & Simi Mixtape

    The year 2019 kicks off on a good note with Adekunle Gold and Simi as they blow our Jaw with their surprise wedding for the new year, lets join the celebration of the latest couple in town as we bring you compilation of their hit songs. Over the years, both acts has blessed their fans with nothing but good music that will definitely get you grooving tiredlessly and make your playlist a great one, here is something unusual from the stables of DJ PlentySongz titled "Best Of Adekunle Gold and Simi" this mind blowing mixtapes includes major hits and collaborations from both singers. 

    Get the new mixtape below and enjoy.

    1. Adekunle Gold Ft Simi - Take me back
    2. Simi - Remind me
    3. Adekunle Gold - Paradise
    4. Simi - Smile for me
    5. Adekunle Gold - Nurse alabere
    6. Simi - Angelina
    7. Adekunle Gold - Temptation
    8. Adekunle Gold - Orente
    9. Simi Ft Adekunle Gold - No forget
    10. Adekunle Gold - Fight for you
    11. Simi - So rire
    12. Simi - Original baby
    13. Adekunle Gold - Ariwo ko
    14. Simi - Complete mi
    15. Adekunle Gold - Ire
    16. Simi - Jamb question
    17. Adekunle Gold Ft Simi - Uncle suru
    18. Simi - Gone for good
    19. Simi - Let me go
    20. Adekunle Gold - original gangstar
    21. Simi - I dun care 
    22. Simi - Joromi
    23. Adekunle Gold - Remember
    24. Adekunle Gold - Call on me
    25. Simi - Lovin
    26. Simi - One kain
    27. Adekunle Gold - Down with you
    28. Adekunle Gold - Beautiful night 
    29. Simi - Bad energy
    30. Simi - Owanbe
    31. Adekunle Gold - Work
    32. Adekunle Gold - Pablo alakori
    33. Adekunle Gold - Pick up
    34. Adekunle Gold - Ready
    35. Simi - Foreign
    36. Simi - Chemistry
    37. Adekunle Gold - Dahm delilah
    38. Simi - Aimoasiko
    39. Simi - tiff
    40. Adekunle Gold - Sade
    41. Simi - Outta my head

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