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  • Mofe Boyo - Greener Delta @mofeboyo
  • d73aa778-eae5-47fa-96da-65fca61eb29f.JPG

    Greener Delta was inspired by my first visit across the state.
    Delta state is rich in oil, livestock and cash-crops but our most valuable asset is Human Resource. Deltans are accommodating, industrious and ethical. 

    Over the years we have been stereotyped as violent and disunited but that’s not exactly true. Regardless the damage already done, I want to encourage us all to start projecting ourselves positively. 
    I wrote this song to basically encourage us all to showcase the truth about Delta and to also preach oneness amongst the different tribes in the state, we should all live and work as one to make the land greener so that investors and the rest of the world can see that Delta State is a fertile and peaceful land. 

    While everyone is seeing a disunited delta, Let’s put forward a united delta, 
    While they see a faded delta, Lets put forward a GREENER DELTA My decision - 
    project Delta positively..h



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