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  • Nine years ago, my late dad and I decided to drive gospel music in an unimaginable way. 
    This was inspired by the fact that; the trend of gospel musicians diverting into the circular/popular music as is fondly called; required urgent intervention. Their complaints ranged from the need to feed, go to school and make a living for themselves. Hence, in some cases; they had to beg for transportation after a ministration or in most cases, ended up going back home on foot because the take home pay couldn’t take them home...smh 
    Late dad and I decided to contribute our own quota to assist.

    Firstly, we agreed on some ground rules:
    50% discount on all productions in our then R&K studio.
    The studio will be opened to only gospel and inspirational artists.
    Free album recording of one gospel artiste every year.

    We had this going on for about three years then I felt we needed to do much more. Considering that “…the harvest is plenty but the laborers are few”.
     I cried out to God and asked Him to bless and increase me so that I can also improve in the current support system 
    we had in place for the propagation of the gospel via music and invariably, become a blessing to those who will also reach out to others. 
    Then came a Job that paid much more than I was earning when we started. Hence, I decided to improve on the existing status quo:
    Sponsor the recording, mix and mastering of one incapacitated gospel artiste every year.
    Sponsor the prints and packaging of their first 5,000 CDs.
    Promote their singles on major digital platforms.
    Organize album lunch/concert.

    Sell the 5,000 copies of their album and return the proceeds to the artist to enable them kick start their gospel music
    career and also empower them to assist one or more persons irrespective of  the amount.

    Assist two small scale business startups each year.
    Sponsor two financially challenged students through tertiary institution.
    Assist three young persons to acquire skill and entrepreneurial training's. 
    It’s been six hectic but fulfilling years since the upgrade and we are greatly honored with six albums(3 almost done), 
    four small scale business start ups, two university graduates and 2 apprentice-in-training... “Good, but can be better”.

    Truth be told, there is so much to be done but I cannot possibly go far enough alone. 
    Yes, I can chase one thousand but with another, we can go ten thousand miles. 
    So I will reach out to one, make that hand hold another, together we will be stronger,
     reaching far and wide, with this life that I have; I will reach out, I won’t hold back.
    “Each One can Reach One”

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